Medway Lib Dems Spring Conference News
Medway Lib Dems Spring Conference News
Medway Lib Dems Spring Conference News
Medway Liberal Democrats are appalled over the news that Lewes UKIP Councillor and MEP candidate for the South East, Donna Edmonds was reported on the 5th March as saying that businesses should have the power to turn away women and gay people. It conjures for many the image of the other side of the coin of Jewish businesses in Nazi Germany being banned and then destroyed. And before there is any suggestion that I might be implying that UKIP would wish to put women and gays to death, let me make it absolutely clear, I am not. I am merely trying to point out the appalling bigotry that is so often displayed by UKIP and which cannot be ignored.
Paul Chaplin reports..........
Cllr. Diana Smith reports.....
Act over human trafficking
Generations are left to struggle