Conservatives stop housing support for young people
From April 2017 the Budget will remove the automatic entitlement to housing support for new claims in Universal Credit from 18-21 year olds who are out of work.
From April 2017 the Budget will remove the automatic entitlement to housing support for new claims in Universal Credit from 18-21 year olds who are out of work.
As the election campaign dust begins to settle over the MedwayTowns, and the rest of the country, people who bothered to engage in the election process will begin to wonder whether or not they have done the right thing, both nationally and locally.
Local Pharmacist stands up for Strood Rural residents Local Pharmacist and business manager Vanessa Roach is standing up for local residents in this year's elections.
Gillingham South go for Strength and Commitment Commitment With so many Medway Councillors having been elected whilst representing one party and then part way through their term of office, switching to another party, we want to impress upon the residents of Gillingham South, your Liberal Democrat candidates for the 2015 Local Elections this coming May are 100% committed to serving your interests under the Lib Dem banner and no other! We are not in it for us…..we are in it for YOU!