Medway Liberal Democrats debate what a Liberal Britain looks like
Liberal Britain Event
As part of a national series of Liberal Britain events Medway Liberal Democrats held a meeting to discuss our priorities for creating a Liberal Britain. The objective of the exercise is to share our thoughts with the national party leading into the Conference in September.
About a dozen of us gathered to discuss the high level vision for our country. Many thanks to Paul Chaplin, Amy Carr and Graham Colley for speaking and sharing their vision. Thank you all who turned up and took part in the exercise.
Many people contacted me to say that they would have liked to have come but for various reasons the event was held at a time they couldn't make. Below is a selection of our thoughts, if you have more to add, read on and see how you can contribute.
For me, a Liberal Britain is where....
- People feel that their politicians listen, respect and act upon public interest and concerns
- People are free to decide their own destiny
- We reject all forms of discrimination
- People have the opportunity to decide their own destiny - with the responsibilities that go with their rights
- We live in a tolerant society
- Everyone has a choice, a chance and the confidence to be their best
Above is a sample of our answers to the big question of the day.
Still time to take part
This event was intended to inspire debate and discussion. The important part is to share your answers with the party.
To share your own thoughts please visit and take part in the survey.