Join our 2027 Club
Help us prepare for 2027 and beyond
We don't have super-rich donors to call on to support our campaigns. Instead, we rely on small donations from party members and supporters like you.
By joining our 2027 Club, you can make an affordable monthly donation to Medway Liberal Democrats and help ensure we have the resources in place to campaign in our target wards for the 2027 local elections over the next three years - and contest any local by-elections in the meantime.
Our suggested donation is £20.27 per month, but you can give as much or as little as you like. And all of our donations are powered through GoCardless, which allows you to setup a direct debit without any fuss.
How will your donation help?
We're aiming to spend at least £1,000 in each of our target wards each year between now and the 2027 local elections
It currently costs £130 to provide a ward-wide leaflet in each of our target wards. But that's not the only resource we spend money on.
When we go knocking on doors, we are either armed with residents surveys or calling cards. We also run regular petitions and campaigns, which cost money to run and promote.
However much you give, your donation will help sustain our campaigns over the next four years.